The official Twitter account for, an open-source 3D graphics and animation software pipeline, announced on Sunday that the website had been brought down for maintenance due to “a hacking attempt.” During the incident Blender assured followers that only the main website and blogs were affected and that the rest of their sites such as the Wiki, Git repositories and online chat were still available. As of this writing, the main website appears to be available once again with all content loading aside from the developer blog.

Analyst Notes
Users of the software were still able to visit the subdomain to download releases and verify the integrity through provided MD5 and SHA256 checksum files. On Windows, this can be accomplished in PowerShell by typing the command “Get-FileHash C:pathtofile.exe” -Algorithm MD5” or “Get-FileHash C:pathtofile.exe” -Algorithm SHA256” and comparing the output to what is listed in the checksum file.