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Typewriters Being Re-enlisted as a Small Town in Alaska is Struck with Ransomware

A spokeswoman for the small Alaskan borough of Matanuska-Susitna said the staff has dusted off their typewriters and were writing receipts by hand while their systems are being rebuilt. Their computers, nearly 500 of them running Windows 7 and 10, were infected by the ransomware and 120 servers were scrambled as well. The attack is believed to have spread on the 24th of July but could have been prevalent in their systems since May. In addition to the previously listed infections, the telephone system and the key card door entry systems were also compromised. The IT director has reason to believe their system hit on the attack on the 17th of July, but it failed to pick up specific components which led to the spread of the Malware. A limited amount of data is now accessible again which is a positive sign when complete data loss was expected. Encrypted data will be kept in a cache in anticipation that the FBI will be able to locate the decryption keys.