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New Trickbot Powershell stager “PowerTrick” for High-Value-Targets

Researchers from Sentinal Labs have discovered a new PowerShell stager (PowerTrick) which is used by TrickBot as an Interactive Network Exploitation shell.  Along with the ability to download the DNS-based Anchor malware, this stager typically also uses PowerView, Invoke-SessionGopher, Get-GPPPassword, and Get-VaultCredential, which can be used to perform further reconnaissance and credential theft on a victim’s network.  Additionally, PowerTrick can be leveraged for lateral movement on a network.

Analyst Notes

As PowerTrick initially starts as a TrickBot infection, it’s important to keep AntiVirus signatures up to date, and actively monitor for any TrickBot infections by looking for scheduled Tasks that execute binaries stored in AppData/Roaming/*. The Blog from Sentinal can be found here: