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Anonymous Begins Attacks Against Iceland in Support of OpWhales… Kind Of

After the Japanese government announced its plan to recommence whaling operations in 2019, members of Anonymous where quick to speak out against it.  Much of the focus was on the Japanese government, however that has now changed.  OpWhales focused on anyone who participated in whaling around the world, primarily Iceland and Japan.  The first attack was launched this week, but surprisingly it was not launched against any Japanese entities, or really any entity technically.  The attacker claimed to have attacked the website of Sushi Samba in Iceland, Sushisamba(dot)is, however that website hasn’t actually existed for over a year.  The website was shut down after they were sued for using the name Sushi Samba, when it was already owned by another company. A number of Anonymous’ supporters have been congratulating the attacker for taking the website down, which “proved” he did by showing a time out report for the website.

Analyst Notes

This is certainly not the strong start to OpWhales that the group hoped for, but it will likely not be the last attack, or attempted attack, for OpWhales that we will see.