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Anonymous (OpJamalKhashoggi)

Over the weekend, Saudi Arabia continued to try to explain the death of the reporter Jamal Khashoggi, who died last week. The Saudi Arabian government continued to claim that Khashoggi died in the Saudi Embassy during a fight and denied the claims that the government wanted him dead because of the controversial topics that he wrote about for news articles. Members of Anonymous have begun to follow the story and target different websites in Saudi Arabia, such as the website for the Arabian Internet and Communications services–which according to posts on Twitter, was taken down last night. Khashoggi also started a movement a Twitter which he called “The bee army” which was a group of people that would attempt to combat the group of internet trolls believed to be run by the Saudi Arabian government, which has been dubbed “fly army.”  It is possible that more attacks will take place as new members begin to join The bee army in support of Khashoggi.