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Apple’s New USB Restricted Mode Has a Loophole

Apple’s new iOS update 11.4.1 has a new USB Restricted Mode designed to prevent hackers and even law enforcement officials from using iPhone-cracking tools to crack iPhones via the Lightening port. The Restricted Mode works by shutting down the Lightening port if the device isn’t unlocked after an hour. However, researchers have already discovered a weakness. A $39 USB adapter can defeat the Restricted Mode easily. “What we discovered is that iOS will reset the USB Restrictive Mode countdown timer even if one connects the iPhone to an untrusted USB accessory, one that has never been paired to the iPhone before,” a researcher said. The loophole does have limitations, as it will only work on devices that have not yet crossed the one-hour threshold. However, since most people are often on the devices, it would not be difficult for law enforcement to connect the device to a Lightening adapter and prevent the Restricted Mode from fully activating. A researcher offered a possible solution, “theoretically, iOS could remember which devices were connected to the iPhone, and only allow those accessories to establish connectivity without requiring an unlock.”