Latest Threat Research: Technical Analysis: Killer Ultra Malware Targeting EDR Products in Ransomware Attacks

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At Binary Defense, We Have Much to be Thankful For

At Binary Defense, we are fortunate to work with a talented team of people who protect and defend businesses across the world: from small startups to global enterprises; from financial services to manufacturing, retail, and everything in between.  As we reflect on all that we have to be grateful for, we would like to share these thoughts with our readers:

We’re very thankful for Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts everywhere, including those at Binary Defense and at SOCs all over the world.  Their talent, expertise, and dedication to keep watchful eyes on critical computer networks are the best defense against threat actors who never stop trying to break in to steal and cause destruction.

We are thankful for the creative and collaborative professionals in the Information Security community, many of whom dedicate countless hours of personal time to share know-how, open source software tools, and conference presentations — simply because it helps other people improve their skills and advance the state of information security.

We are thankful for Red Teams who test our defenses, always encouraging us to keep innovating and finding new ways to detect and deter attackers.  Performing physical penetration tests comes with risks, and we greatly appreciate those who accept the risks to improve security for all.  We would much rather learn about a new attacker technique from a friendly Red Teamer than from a threat actor!

We are thankful for independent security researchers and reverse engineers who work endless hours to find vulnerabilities in software and report their findings to software vendors responsibly.  We are also thankful for vendors who work hard to patch vulnerabilities quickly and help clients use their software safely.

And we are most grateful of all for our clients, who put their trust in us to stand guard over their computers and networks around the clock and make our work possible.  It is an honor to live up to the high expectations that you appropriately have for us, and to watch over your computers to keep them from harm.