Latest Threat Research: Technical Analysis: Killer Ultra Malware Targeting EDR Products in Ransomware Attacks

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Belden Suffers Breach

On Tuesday, the leader in single transmission solutions, Belden, suffered a breach that affected some servers within the company. Employees of Belden along with the help of third-party forensics experts discovered the suspicious activity was not just a mistake, but rather a deliberate attack. Core business operation were not affected but information was extracted from the servers by threat actors. Affected employees and business partners are being notified while the investigation is ongoing. Free monitoring for all affected parties is being offered as a precaution until more is known about the information that was accessed. A portion of a statement by Belden CEO Roel Vestjen read, “Safety is always paramount at Belden and we take threats to the privacy of personal and company information very seriously. We regret any complications or inconvenience this incident may have caused and are offering assistance to those individuals who may have been impacted.”

Analyst Notes

Since details of the attack are still emerging it is difficult to give a precise recommendation. The best overall strategy is to design a defense in depth strategy that will either prevent or discover attacks early enough that no significant damage is done. Security analysts in the Security Operations Task Force at Binary Defense are available at any time of the day to detect and stop intrusions that make it past the outer security controls. It is important to be able to respond to threats at any time, including evenings, weekends and holidays, due to the unpredictable nature of threat actors and their tactics.
