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Cyber-Group Spank Gang Hacks Canadian Official’s Twitter Account

A group calling themselves Spank Gang took control late Sunday night of the Twitter account for Canadian Senator Linda Frum.  The group made a series of posts including a copy of the front and back of Senator Frum’s driver’s license.  The group went on to imply that Senator Frum is corrupt by saying that they “don’t appreciate corrupt politicians” in a post that included the use of the Palestinian flag.  At this time, the group has not taken control of any other accounts belonging to Senator Frum openly, although they have likely gained access to other accounts considering they were able to obtain photos of her driver’s license.  It is unclear at this time how the group gained access to Senator Frum’s account though if similar attacks are any indication, it is probable that the group obtained credentials for Senator Frum from other data breaches and found that, like many public figures, Senator Frum reused credentials across multiple accounts.  As the group continues to operate, greater insight will be able to be gained into their modus operandi.