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Increase in Phishing Attacks From Iranian Threat Actors in the Wake of Increased Tensions

A recent increase has been seen in phishing-based attacks being launched by APT-33, also known as Reined Kitten. Approximately a half-dozen targets have been identified so far in the campaign which spans both the U.S. and Europe, including the U.S. Department of Energy. The current targets span both the government and private sector, but the current purpose is unknown. Until more is known, it is difficult to say whether the Iranians are simply looking to gather information pertinent to the current tensions or if this is preparation for a cyber-attack. It is important to remember that in situations such as these that government organizations are not the only ones at risk. The tension between nations increases the risk to most private sector businesses as disruptions to the daily life of the civilian population of a nation can greatly tax government resources and increase the pressure on government agencies and officials.

Analyst Notes

While roughly a half-dozen targets have been identified so far, this is likely not the end of this campaign. It is important to remember that at times like these, vigilance from all employees is absolutely vital.