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Israeli Institutions Face Increased Risk as OpIsrael and OpSaudi Combine

Many attackers are now beginning to target Israeli websites as part of not only OpIsrael but also OpSaudi.  This change came following the recent revelation that the Israeli tech company NSO Group sold sophisticated mobile spyware to the Saudi government which was found to be on Jamal Khashoggi’s phone and have been active for months prior to his murder.  In a recent release, sources have come forward stating that the Israeli government even signed off on the sale of the spyware to Saudi Arabia by NSO group.  Many have already felt that the sale of the software made NSO Group culpable in Khashoggi’s murder and now the reports of the Israeli governments approval of the sale has put them in the crosshairs for many.  Analysis of the reconnaissance data being posted online for OpIsrael/OpSaudi shows not only are Israeli government organizations at risk, but also private entities which have any connection to the Israel government as well.