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MyEtherWallet Attack

Unknown hackers have breached MyEtherWallet around the same time as the Bancor breach.  The attack on MyEtherWallet (MEW) was carried out using a fraudulent version of the popular Hola VPN.  The attackers were able to compromise Hola’s Google account and upload a fraudulent Chrome extension for the Hola VPN to the Chrome store.  The fraudulent VPN tracked users’ online activity and was used to compromise several MEW wallets. MEW advised their users that if they had installed the Hola extension and accessed their MEW wallet at any time, that they need to transfer their funds to a new wallet for their own protection.  A spokesman for MEW also indicated that the attack appears to have originated from IP addresses located within Russia.  Hola has since regained control of their Google account and has removed the Chrome extension.  It is unknown how much money was compromised in the attack. With the timing of this attack on Ether Coin and the attack on Bancor, it is possible that these attacks are related.