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Start to American Yellow Vest Movement Almost as Lackluster as Anonymous’ Support of It

American Yellow Vest protests were supposed to have begun this past weekend on the morning of the 22nd in a number of locations around the United States.  While protesters did turn up at several of the planned locations, the protests passed with little of note taking place.  What is surprising is that there was nearly no support online from Anonymous.  One Anonymous member attempted to organize a Tweet storm, however they were the only one who participated.  While attacks had taken place against a number of institutions overseas during the Yellow Vest protests in Europe, there were no cyber-attacks yet against U.S. organizations in support of the Yellow Vests.  Even more surprising is that there does not even appear to have been any reconnaissance activity carried out against U.S. organizations yet.

Analyst Notes

It is possible that more support could be seen during the next scheduled round of protests on January 1st or shortly afterwards.