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UK-Based Truly Travels Suffers Data Breach

Due to an unsecured Amazon Web Services server, more than 200,000 customers of Truly Travels had their personal data exposed. According to researchers, the data server had been exposed for over three years leaving customers’ names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates exposed. In addition to the information listed above, 212,000 audio files of calls that took place from  April 10, 2016, and August 10, 2016, were also included. Many of the calls had further information like details of trips, trip locations, costs, flight times, as well as partial card details. Following the discovery, all of the exposed files were removed and the appropriate steps are being taken by the company. They assure that they are making moves in an effort to assure a situation similar to this does not occur again.

Analyst Notes

With email addresses being included, it is likely that phishing attempts towards the customers may increase. Also, with the inclusion of partial credit card details users will want to keep a close eye on their accounts and report any suspicious activity.