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Walgreens Data Leak

On January 15, 2020, the popular drugstore chain Walgreens discovered an error within their mobile app that allowed some personal messages from Walgreens to be viewable by other users of the app. Some of the affected messages included health-related messages–including prescription numbers, drug names, and shipping addresses. The messages were viewable on the app between January 9th and January 15th, 2020. Upon learning of the bug, Walgreens immediately disabled the message features and implemented a correction to resolve the issue. According to the report from Walgreens, no financial information or Social Security numbers were exposed.

Analyst Notes

Walgreens has been notifying app users that were affected by this bug. All users of the app should be vigilant in monitoring their prescriptions or medical records for unusual activity. This can be done by contacting physicians’ offices and the prescription supplier, such as Walgreens, Rite-aid, Drug Mart, or others. Even though Walgreens stated that no financial information was disclosed with the bug, it is a good idea to monitor credit reports for unusual activity.

To read more:

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